Monday, November 5, 2012

New Life, New Blog!

I realize that I don't have a whole lot of readers, but I blog mainly for myself- it's therapy! For any new readers, my previous blog was at I didn't blog as often as I wanted to but I loved looking back and seeing all that God taught me. I was single for the majority of the time I blogged so a lot of the entries were about the lessons God taught me in my season of singleness. That was such a rich time in my life and God taught me so much. I figured now was the time to start a new blog- new season of life, new name, new blog!

I've been married just shy of 2 months. It's been a wonderful amazing journey but hard at times. It's real life (defnitley not like it is in the movies!) We're in a transition time as we wait for the Lord to show us where to go next..Hubs is a preacher and he moved here in transition. So needless to say our whole life is a transition! I inherited a cat who thinks she's human, a camo recliner, an antler collection and an 11 point buck named Sparky who now sits on the wall in our living room! Hubs is a HUGE  hunter (that's it putting it mildly but he loves it and we don't ever to buy meat so I'll take it) and he insisted Sparky have a rightful place on the wall. Oh boy- our next house will have a man cave for sure.

Here's a few highlights/lessons of the past 2 months:
1. I married a man who loves to cook! I've only cooked 3 times since we've been married and it's only because I absolutley wanted to cook
2. There's nothing I love more than being in the same place together all of the time (we lived 2 1/2 hours apart when we were dating/engaged)
3. He makes me laugh-all of the time!
4. There are definite differences between men and women.
5. Our versions of chores are different.  :)
6. I beam with pride when he refers to me as "his wife" during a sermon.
7. He's going to make a wonderful daddy one day- especially when our baby is crying at 3:00 am (even though he says it's against the preacher's kid code of conduct) :)
8. I love our lazy times together.
9. Marriage is holy sandpaper. For real!!
10. Jesus Christ should be the number one object of my affection. Our pastor said this during our wedding ceremony and it has stuck with me.

Here's some of the fun things we've done in 2 months:
1. Got married!!! A dream day
2. Had a wonderful honeymoon to New Orleans and the beach
3. Made s'mores over the grill when it was 80 degrees outside (we do live in Louisiana!)
4. Attended a marriage conference- so good!
5. Found a young married's life group we love
6. Introduced to the games Bananagrams and farkle
7. Waffles on Saturday
8. Watching the Voice

The Lord is showing me so much- as I journal, i keep thinking "I need to blog this!" More to come!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new blog! Thank you for sharing these first few months with us-so happy for you!
